Gideon’s Pick: Best Red Dot for Home Defense

Woman aiming a firearm with a Gideon Optics Advocate mounted

A home defense red dot can help you protect your home and family. Learn how to identify what to look for in your optic, and find out which micro prism scope is our top choice for protecting your property and loved ones.

Mediator Red Dot vs Advocate 1x Prism Scope

Mike from Gideon Optics holding a firearm at an outdoor shooting range as he stands in front of targets

Choosing between a red dot vs. a prism scope for your carbine can be difficult. We put our Mediator Closed-Emitter Reflex Sight and Advocate 1X Micro Prism Scope to the test head to head. See who came out on top.

Gideon’s Pick: Best Rifle Scope for Hunting

Gideon Optics Guardian LPVO mounted to a hunting rifle

Learn what goes into making the best rifle scope for your money and how the Guardian LPVO, the modern evolution of your grandpa’s hunting scope, has two great options to help you put food on the table.

Gideon’s Pick: Best Tactical Red Dot Sights

Woman firing a pistol with a Gideon Optics Mediator red dot sight mounted while at an outdoor shooting range

Learn our top picks for the best tactical red dot sight for your gun. We cover our favorite tactical optics, what makes them special, and why they might be the right choice for your gun.

The Best EDC Red Dot

Behind the shoulder view of a man testing the Valor MIni Red Dot on his everyday carry pistol

Learn what to look for in an EDC red dot for your everyday carry pistol. We discuss the major features to look for and our top picks for self-defense pistols.

Gideon’s Pick: Best Optic for Competition Shooting

Man at an outdoor shooting range testing the Gideon Optics Granite Competition Red Dot Sight on his pistol

Learn what sets competition optics apart from other red dot sights and which optics we recommend to help you shoot for higher scores. From the qualities that make up effective competition handgun sights to how we used shooter feedback to build to meet competition needs, Gideon has you covered.

Gideon’s Guide: Best Red Dot Sights for Astigmatism

Man wearing protective eye and earwear shooting a firearm with an optic mounted at an outdoor range

Learn how to pick the best red dot sight for astigmatism. This common visual condition affects 1 in 3 adults, whether they wear corrective lenses or not. Learn what to look for when choosing a red dot that can ease the effects of astigmatism on your shooting.